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European Union And Its Funding An Overview

The EU Budget: How It's Funded and Spent

European Union and Its Funding: An Overview

The European Union (EU) is a supranational political and economic union comprising 27 member states located primarily in Europe. The EU operates a budget to fund its various activities and programs.

Budgetary Process

The EU budget is funded through contributions from its member states, based on their respective gross national income (GNI). The budget is proposed by the European Commission and must be approved by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union.

Expenditure Areas

The EU budget is allocated to a wide range of expenditure areas, including:
  • Agriculture and rural development
  • Economic cohesion and regional development
  • Research and innovation
  • Education and culture
  • Climate action

EU Budget: Fact-Checking and Transparency

The EU budget is subject to rigorous scrutiny and accountability measures. The European Court of Auditors, an independent body, audits the EU accounts and reports on their use of funds. Additionally, the EU provides detailed information on its budget and expenditure through various online platforms and publications.
